Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Word Wednesday

Today is officially “Word Wednesday” otherwise known as “Hump Day.” We’ve made it half way through yet another week on the wonderful, exciting and bumpy road of motherhood. Therefore, some of us are looking for some encouraging words to make it through the rest of the week with Joy and Peace. At night before my son goes to bed, in addition to reading bible stories, I read him a passage out of Prayers That Avail Much, First Blessings for Your Child by Germaine Copeland. Mommies we have to keep our children prayed up and constantly put Gods Word in their hearts.

Sunday’s passage read, “May I be a blessing to you, and teach you how to get along with others. I ask God to give you His wisdom that is gentle and reasonable, overflowing with mercy and blessings, not hot one day and cold the next, not twofaced. May He create in you a desire to be like Jesus.” It seems as though there are people that are sharing this space with us that have a difficult time getting along with anyone. I find that it’s a bit difficult having to interact with someone that is always negative and doesn’t seem to make any effort to get along with others. People don’t realize that it takes so much more energy to be contrary than it does to be pleasant.

I wasn’t here when Jesus walked this earth, but I’m pretty sure that he made an effort to get along with everyone that he came in contact with. As Christians, we are striving to be more like Jesus everyday of our lives. In doing, so we should also have the attitude of Jesus, an attitude that is pure, peaceable and gentle. James 3:17 says, “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.” There are so many lessons that we teach our children simply by example. If we are exemplifying the traits and characteristics listed in James 3:17, it’s very likely that they will too.

Having a good attitude really does get you much further in life. People will want to hire you, do good things for you and simply be in your company. Also, when you have a good attitude and a positive outlook, you feel much better and you are more prone to living a healthier life. So the saying, “Don’t worry, be happy” should ring true everyday of your existence.

Until our next appointed meeting time. Stay tuned for more words of encouragement and inspiration for M.O.M.’s near and far! Please share this blog with as many people as you know (, we have so many lives to touch. Feel free to post a comment and/or subscribe (if you are reading this from your inbox visit the site address referenced above to post a comment). If you would like to submit prayer requests send them to Thanks for your continued support!

Mommie Blessings,

Saved M.O.M.

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