Monday, May 4, 2009

April Showers

Considering that the month of April just ended, I thought it may be a good time to reflect upon the “April Showers” of life. It seems that in this natural realm we live in, we sometimes allow April showers to depress and dispirit us. Why do we let a little bit of God’s fertilizing rain affect us this way? For if it were not for the natural rain, flowers wouldn’t bloom, trees wouldn’t grow and crops would not produce a harvest. “I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees of the field their fruit.” (Leviticus 26:4). When you compare and contrast the natural rain to the spiritual rain something similar occurs. We must experience spiritual rain showers to grow and mature in the Lord. The experiences that life has given us are the sum of who we are. For instance, if it were not for my husbands’ persistence in us starting our family at the time that we did, I probably would not be writing the words that are written on this page. To God be the Glory!

As children of God we often pray for God to bless us and give us the desires of our hearts. So why is it that when we experience a storm that will eventually lead to awesome fruit and harvest, we ask God to make it stop. How silly is that? We want our blessing, but we don’t want to endure the April showers that we need to grow our blessings.

As parents we are so quick to want to fight our children’s battles for them. Have you ever taken the time to consider that maybe this is a fight that they must conquer in order to receive their May flowers? Now, let’s not take this to the extreme. There are some instances where we must step in as parents and protect our children, but we must know when to step in and when to sit back and watch God work.

I want each of you to take notice and remember this the next time you are in a season of April showers. Instead of taking cover and running from the rain, take off your shoes, raise your hands and dance in the rain like never before. Open your mouth and taste God’s blessing as it flows into your life. “Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!” (Psalm 34:8).

Be sure to tune in tomorrow for more words of encouragement and inspiration for M.O.M.’s near and far! Please share this blog with as many people as you know (, we have so many lives to touch. Feel free to post a comment and/or subscribe (if you are reading this from your inbox visit the site address referenced above to post a comment).

Mommie Blessings,

Shonte’ Press

***We are GIVING away FREEE MOTHERS DAY GIFTS to all subscribers! Everyone that has subscribed by Saturday, May 9 will receive a Mother’s Day gift compliments of this ministry!***

1 comment:

Tonya said...

This is a great post. For many years, I associated April with being a bad month for me. Even though my birthday occurs in April, I've had three people very close to me that died towards the end of April.

When I found out my son was due April 30th, I prayed that he wouldn't be born around the same time that my loved ones died. God honored that prayer (my son was born on the 15th.

Now, I choose to think of April as a beautiful month and even though I've had a lot of "showers" in April, it has helped me to grow stronger in God and know that he is a comforter and the Prince of Peace.

You hit a homerun with this one girl! :-)