Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Word Wednesday

Today is officially “Word Wednesday” otherwise known as “Hump Day.” We’ve made it half way through yet another week on the wonderful, exciting and bumpy road of motherhood. Therefore, some of us are looking for some encouraging words to make it through the rest of the week with Joy and Peace. At night before my son goes to bed, in addition to reading bible stories, I read him a passage out of “Prayers That Avail Much, First Blessings for Your Child” by Germaine Copeland. Mommies we have to keep our children prayed up and constantly put Gods word in their hearts.

Sunday’s passage read, “I purpose to be a constant example to you in helping the poor. I remember the words of the Lord Jesus, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” As Christians we are commissioned to help the poor. We should be kind to them and help them in their time of need. For the word tells us, “He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done.” (Proverbs 19:17). It’s so often that we get caught up in our own needs and we fail to consider the needs of others. I have certainly been guilty of doing this myself. I have found that since becoming a mother I don’t volunteer nearly as much as I used to and I don’t take time out to help the poor the way that I used to. Considering that I have a family now, it’s totally understandable that I can’t give as much time as I used to, but I can give some of my time.

We should go the extra mile to be the examples to our children that God has called us to be. If they see us volunteering and helping those less fortunate they will probably have a desire to do the same. We have to get beyond the old adage, “Do as I say, not as I do.” Children usually follow the examples that they see laid before them, so let’s lead them in the way of the Lord. I am in a serious season of self improvement and I am going to take this opportunity to make a commitment to help the poor just as Jesus would have me do. Will you join me in doing the same?

Be sure to tune in tomorrow for more words of encouragement and inspiration for M.O.M.’s near and far! Please share this blog with as many people as you know (, we have so many lives to touch. Feel free to post a comment and/or subscribe (if you are reading this from your inbox visit the site address referenced above to post a comment).
Mommie Blessings,
Shonte’ Press

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